
Results: 7 - pag 1/1
organic Grana Padano, organic grana padano sale lombardy, ORGANIC Grana Padano PDO CHEESE

organic Grana Padano, organic grana padano sale lombardy, ORGANIC Grana Padano PDO CHEESE
Grana Padano DOP ORGANIC Grana Padano PDO CHEESE ORGANIC Grana Padano PDO CHEESE THE CHOICE OF ORGANIC Latteria San Pietro has chosen to follow the organic route for its own holistic approach : environmental sustainability does not favor the animal, the genuineness of the product [...]
grana padano dairy chain certification, Our quality system

grana padano dairy chain certification, Our quality system
Grana Padano DOP Our quality system Our quality system Our Grana Padano PDO is controlled by a system that provides quality control at every stage of processing, to get an unmatched Italian DOP cheese. ... Our certifications Compliance certificate to organic product  Certificato di Conformità Bio Agri Cert .pdf Organic production chain [...]
Latteria San Pietro and sustainability THE EUROPEAN PROJECT “LIFE TTGG”

Latteria San Pietro and sustainability THE EUROPEAN PROJECT “LIFE TTGG”
THE PROJECT THE EUROPEAN PROJECT “LIFE TTGG”' alt='Latteria San Pietro and sustainability THE EUROPEAN PROJECT “LIFE TTGG”'> Solutions are needed to improve Italian and France cheeses supply chain efficiency, to analyse and reduce their environmental footprint and to achieve more sustainable production and consumption. ... The European project LIFE TTGG – The Tough Get [...]
Passito & Grana, why not?

Passito & Grana, why not?
A great label, of course, must be paired with a great cheese! ... Passito paired with cheeses, desserts, chocolate and cigars. ... It can be accessed by reservation only - € 10   4) Farmer's Market of typical local products This year you will also find the Farmer's Market organized in collaboration with Coldiretti and [...]
stable meadows, Valle del Mincio Mantova, healthy animal nutrition, The territory

stable meadows, Valle del Mincio Mantova, healthy animal nutrition, The territory
Health and sustainability The territory The territory Stable meadows A natural meadow of spontaneous crops: the food of our animals. The stable meadows are those herbaceous formations that have never undergone the tillage (plowing or harrowing) and are maintained exclusively through mowing and eventual fertilization, which must not however be excessive under penalty of loss of floristic [...]
Fair of the permanent meadows: the dual concept Grana - Hay

Fair of the permanent meadows: the dual concept Grana - Hay
The world of Grana Padano, in its entirety, has been recalled in Piazza Gramsci: the history, curiosities, land, process of production and taste; this last activity was proposed through a Grana Padano and wine tasting, organized by Strada dei sapori and vini Mantovani. ... The event has been organized with the participation of Consorzio di Tutela del Grana [...]
Results: 7 - pag 1/1